10 Ways a Georgia DUI Arrest Will Impact Your Life

  1. A DUI arrest can have an immediate impact on your Georgia or Out of State Drivers License if you provide a blood, breath, or urine sample over .08, are charged with a non-alcohol DUI, or refuse to provide a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine upon request. There may also be a license suspension at the conclusion of your Georgia DUI case.

  2. A DUI arrest results in your car being towed and you are responsible for any tow and storage fees.

  3. A DUI arrest requires a bond payment in order for you to be released from custody. Bond amount will vary between a few hundred and a few thousand dollars.

  4. A DUI arrest creates a cycle on your Georgia criminal history even before you are convicted, highlighting the date of arrest, your charges, and the location in which the arrest occurred.

  5. A DUI arrest creates a case file in the clerk of court’s office of the jurisdiction in which the arrest occurred. Clerk of Court records are public records and can be and often are searched by companies performing background checks.

  6. Job, Loan, Professional Association, Financial Aid, and College applications often ask about pending arrests and criminal conduct. Most DUIs are misdemeanor traffic offenses in the State of Georgia. A DUI charge can become a felony under certain circumstances. A DUI charge on its own is not a crime of moral turpitude.

  7. The average cost of a Georgia DUI attorney is $5,000.

  8. This $5,000 does not include any fines, expert witness fees, costs of classes, or any other payment made on your behalf. You may be looking at another $5,000 in fines, fees, and classes.

  9. Resolution of your Georgia DUI case will likely include completion of at least 40 hours of community service, possibly more.

  10. You will be required to attend court in person.

These are just some of the ways an Atlanta DUI arrest will impact your life. If you have been arrested for DUI in the metro Atlanta area and would like to have a free consultation with an experienced Atlanta DUI attorney, please call me at 678-753-6431. I handle DUI cases all over the metro area and can help you today.


What is Georgia’s Move-Over Violation Traffic Law?


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